This is my 1st love ,
to be hikers... MY LOVE STORY TO THE NATURE....
Mt Irau is locally known as Gunung Irau. At 2110m, The peak has a border marker shared by 2 states - Pahang and Perak.
To go there you have to travel to Cameron Highlands and proceed to G.Brinchang by road.. Mossy forest and fairyland, cold wind and misty clouds are some of the wonders at G.Irau.
1 DAY :: 25 Feb 2011.
Our spirits were with high expectations and in the best shape, enjoyed our dinner at Gunung Brinchang were the trail starts.we build our campsite there...this campsite is indeed very cold.
let me introduce the members in this XPDC::
The guy with cap , shirt and short is me (syed Udin)..and my brother sit beside, Syed Yazid..
my nice frenz Faizal adri, and Mr tough standing behind is shahril aka "anak saper"
our lovely guide, abg sham, abg adik, abg lan, and abg arib...
u guys make this trip veryyyy happeninggg..
Day 2:: 26 Feb 2011
9a.m.. wake up.......
As we assemble our backpacks (which was already pack), we started our 1st move with bismillah...along the journey..The trail to G.Irau is facinatingly beautiful. Hikers have ample time shooting pictures. Yes, it is real cold!
Foreground showed some hikers on a steep climb. Cold and misty, the mossy forest is full of bonsai plants.
greens everywhere.......................
A filming location of the Puteri G. Ledang was shot in this mossy forest. Many trees were being cut. Environmentalists demanded the truth but authority just kept a closed eye. So, for nature lover, are you going to patronize this film? Puteri Gunung Ledang is at Gunung Ledang!!!
Why they sacrifice Mt Irau for their popularity and moneY!!!!!!!! wtf
It takes about 2 hours and some 1.55 km from G.Brinchang to reach . Another 45 minutes downhill and uphill will bring you to the top of Gunung Irau.
At 2110m a.p.l. - (above sea level) G.Irau is the peak where many hikers yearn to conquer. Some do managed to conquer themselves..
Blue Valley rightly got its name from the blue fainting backdrop of the mountains behind. Two new roads leading to Gua Musang in Kelantan and Simpang Pulai of Ipoh, Perak. Sadly, big environmental disasters were created by the development - erosions, landslides and the disappearing of rare flora and fauna.
It's a destination not to be missed. And it's a leisure that no money can buy.
No wonder many tourists came here to take ton of pictures
There are many species of nepenthes (Periuk Kera) along the way to G.Irau. This nepenthes about 6 inches. Some other species are only 3 inches while the giant one can be 12 inches.
TIPS:: we can drink the water inside nepenthes, make sure the cover is not open and enjoy ur nepenthes juice..
we decided to build our next camp side at anak irau.... after eat and having our dinner , we enjoy our unforgetable moment chating waiting the night.. sing and laugh together.. After dinner we just lazed around looking out into the dark jungle and listened to the Gunung Irau Philharmonic Orchestra performing continously till morning. Our thoughts on how lucky we here, to be able to enjoyed nature as it intended to be, no tv, no handphones, no radio and not going anywhere. The creatures of the night played many tunes somtimes to a roar and sometimes to soothing sound of flute, I wondered thats how Mozart, Bach and others must have got their inspiration for their classical pieces.
it is sad to see that rubbishes are everywhere, from false summit to real summit.Good things never last. Here you can find heap of rubbish being indiscrimately thrown. Very sad indeed. Hikers are advise to leave only footprints. Take only photographs and your memories.
DAY 3::27 Feb 2011
after breakfast, pack up and left G.Irau with good memories of a good climb and relax atmosphere Trekking at a steady pace we reach the base camp at around 11.00a.m. Lunch at Brinchang town and Ronda2 around Cameron Hgland, having our aiskrim setoberi...yummy2. And yeah with body aches and pain to go.
Thanks G.Irau... KAMI DATANG LAGIII............
Terima Kasih ALLAH,pinjamkan kami kekuatan utk melihat keindahan -Mu.....ciptaan Mu... Kekuasaan Mu... Maafkan kami..ampuni kami, kami mengharap redho Mu Ya ALLAH......Ciptaan Mu sangat chantik , kami sangat kagum....
log book:: syed syarifudin syed hamdan,
special thanks to:
Syed Mohd Yazid> saudaraku yg sempoi
shahril> Abg Tough
Ahmad Faizal> Nice Frenz
Abg Sham> Super Chef
Abg Lan > Jungle Master
Abg Arib> Jungle Road Runner
NOw:: jom exersize, tambah stamina